Institute of Environmental Change and Society (IECS)

News, Features and Events
Latest News & Featured Research

Algae blooms becoming more intense, and lasting forever in Qu'Appelle lakes
A study led by IECS co-director, Dr. Leavitt, found that toxins were present in the Qu'Apelle lakes more days of the summer than 15 years earlier, and were above recreational advisory levels.

Experts use wastewater to track Covid-19 in SK
Read about how scientists Drs. Chao and Hansmeier are using wastewater to track COVID-19.

Water rangers to adapt water quality test kits for SK Agricultural Ponds
Easy-to-use testkits and open data platform will help anyone collect water quality data.

IECS to host information booth on Earth Day at the Centennial Market
Come on to Earth Day,meet students and staff of IECS and find out all the research happening at the institute!

Dr. Finlay and Water Rangers talk about Community Science.
Source: Youtube
Credit: Water Rangers