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Stable Isotopes

Information on routinely performed analyses and fees can be found below.

For additional information about the analytical services offered in the Institute or to discuss your requirements contact Dr. Leah Chibwe.

Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometers (IRMS)

IECS currently houses three continuous flow Thermo Finnigan IRMS (Deltaplus, a Deltaplus XL and a Delta V) allowing the qualification of C, H, N, O, and S stable isotope ratios.​

Peripherals include two Costech ECS 4010 Elemental Analysers, a Thermo Quest TC/EA, two Thermo Scientific Gas Benches II and a Thermo Scientific GC Combustion II enabling analyses of solid, liquid and gas samples.


Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometers (CRDS)

IECS currently houses two CRDS systems

  • · Picarro G1111-i coupled to an OI Aurora 1030 W Total Carbon Analyzer for concentrations and stable isotope ratio measurements of CO2, DIC and DOC

  • Picarro L2120-i coupled to a PAL HTC-xt auto sampler for analyses of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope ratios in water

Analyses Offered & Pricing

Stable isotopes H, C, N, S

* — a 25% overhead fee will be applied to all samples external to the University of Regina.
† — sample preparation fee is charged only once where multiple analytes are requested on a single instrucment.
‡ — please inquire about sample preparation fees.

Carbon analysis on water samples

* — a 25% overhead fee will be applied to all samples external to the University of Regina.
† — sample preparation fee is charged only once where multiple analytes are requested on a single instrucment.
‡ — please inquire about sample preparation fees.


Shimadzu UV-VIS 1800 Spectrophotometer

Shimadzu UV-VIS 1800 Spectrophotometer

Lachat QuickChem 8500

Lachat QuickChem 8500

SmartChem 200

SmartChem 200

1260 Infinity HPLC

1260 Infinity HPLC

Shimadzu AA-7000 AAS

Shimadzu AA-7000 AAS

Greenhouse Gas analyser

Shimadzu GC 2014 Greenhouse Gas analyser

IECS is situated on the territories of the nêhiyawak, Anihšināpēk, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis/Michif Nation, is on Treaty 4 lands with a presence in Treaty 6. We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters upon which we work and operate. We also recognize and value continued contributions of the First Nations in caring and protecting these lands and water for thousands of generations.

The Institute of Environmental  Change and Society University of Regina, 3737 Wascana Parkway

SK S4S 0A2


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